To Leave the Body. (1953)
'Tis not wise to strive to get out of your body until you have thoroughly gained the Sight. The same ritual as to gain the
Sight may be used, but have a comfortable couch. Kneel so that you have your thigh, belly, and chest well supported,
the arms strained forward and bound one on each side, so that there is a decided feeling of being pulled forward. As
the trance is induced, you should feel a striving to push yourself out of the top of your head. The scourge should be
given a dragging action, as if to drive or drag you out. Both wills should be thoroughly in tune, keeping a constant and
equal strain. When trance comes, your tutor may help you by softly calling your name. You will probably feel yourself
drawn out of your body as if through a narrow opening, and find yourself standing beside your tutor, looking at the body
on the couch. Strive to communicate with your tutor first; if they have the Sight they will probably see you. Go not far
afield at first, and 'tis better to have one who is used to leaving the body with you.
A note: When, having succeeded in leaving the body, you desire to return, in order to cause the spirit body and the
material body to coincide, THINK OF YOUR FEET. This will cause the return to take
place. |