Drawing Down the Moon (1949)
High Priestess stands in front of Altar, assumes Goddess position (arms
crossed). Magus, kneeling in front of her, draws pentacle on her body with
Phallus-headed Wand, invokes:
"I Invoke and beseech Thee, O mighty Mother of all life and
fertility. By seed and root, by stem and bud, by leaf and flower and fruit, by
Life and Love, do I invoke Thee to descend into the body of thy servant and
High Priestess [name]."
The Moon having been drawn down, i.e. link established, Magus and other
men give Fivefold Kiss:
(kissing feet) "Blessed be thy feet, that have brought thee in these
(kissing knees) "Blessed be thy knees, that
shall kneel at the sacred altar";
(kissing womb) "Blessed be thy womb, without
which we would not be"";
(kissing breasts) "Blessed be thy breasts,
formed in beauty and in strength"";
(kissing lips) "Blessed be thy lips, that
shall speak the sacred names."
Women all bow.
If there be an initiation, then at this time the Magus and the High Priestess
in Goddess position (Arms Crossed) says the Charge while the Initiate stands
outside the circle. |