The Eightfold Path or Ways (1957)
- Meditation or concentration, actually by the firm knowledge that you can and will succeed - forming a
clear picture in your mind or your requirements.
- Trance states, Clairvoyance, Projection of the Astral etc.
- Drugs, Wine, Incense.
- Dance, Performing Rites with a purpose.
- Chants, Spells etc.
- Blood control (Cords etc), Breath control.
- Scourge
- The Great Rite
N.B. The great thing is to combine as many of these paths into the one operation. No 1 must be in
all - for if you have no clear picture of what you wish and no certainty you will not succeed - 'tis useless. No 2 can be
combined with this easily. Nos 3, 4, and 5 are all good preliminaries - also 6 and 7; but No 3 is dangerous and
therefore if possible should be avoided, except for incense, which is harmless if too much is not used.
The best combination is Nos. 1, 4, 5 and 7, for small purposes, with no 8 if great force is necessary.
Also a combination of 1, 6 and 7 is good if more can not be done; this if properly performed leads to No. 2.