The Sabbat Rituals (1957)
Spring Equinox
The symbol of the wheel should be placed on the altar upright, decked with flowers, flanked with
burning candles. The Cauldron, containing spirits, is in the east. Magus in west, High Priestess in east with Phallic
wand or pinecone-tipped wand, or broomstick, or riding pole, broom upwards.
High Priestess lights Cauldron, saying,
"We kindle fire this day! In the presence of the Holy Ones:
Without malice, without jealousy, without envy.
Without fear of aught beneath the sun. But the High Gods.
Thee we invoke: O light of life:
Be thou a bright flame before us;
Be thou a guiding star above us;
Be thou a smooth path beneath us.
Kindle thou in our hearts within, a flame of love for our neighbour,
To our foes, to our friends, to our kindred all:
To all men on this broad Earth.
O merciful son of Cerridwen,
From the lowest thing that liveth, to the name that is highest of all."
High Priestess draws pentacle upon Magus with wand, kiss, gives it to him. He does
likewise. They lead the dance round the circle, all couples leaping burning fire. The last couple as the fire goes out
should be well-purified three times, and each should give Fivefold Kiss to all of opposite sex.
Cakes and wine.
If the people will, the Cauldron dance can be done again, many times, or other games can be
Summer Solstice
Form circle. Invoke, Purify. Cauldron is placed before altar filled with water, wreathed with summer
flowers. The people, men and women alternately, stand round circle. High Priestess stands in north, before
Cauldron, holding raised wand, which should be Phallic or tipped with a pinecone (anciently the thyrsus) or a riding
pole or a broomstick, invokes the sun.
"Great One of Heaven, Power of the Sun, we invoke thee in thine ancient names:
Michael, Balin, Arthur, Lugh, Herne.
Come again, as of old, into this thy land. Lift up thy shining spear of light to protect us. Put to flight the powers of
darkness, give us fair woodlands and green fields, blossoming orchards and r ipening corn. Bring us to stand upon
thy hill of vision, and show us the path to the lovely realms of the gods."
High Priestess draws invoking pentacle on Magus with wand.
Magus comes forward sunwise and takes wand with kiss, plunges wand into Cauldron and
holds it upright, saying,
"The spear to the Cauldron,
the lance to the Grail,
spirit to flesh,
man to woman,
sun to earth."
He salutes High Priestess over Cauldron, then rejoins people, still bearing wand.
High Priestess takes aspergillum, stands by Cauldron, says,
Dance ye about the Cauldron of Cerridwen the Goddess, and be ye blessed with the touch of this
consecrated water, even as the sun, the lord of light, arriveth in his strength in the sign of the waters of
The people dance sunwise about the altar and Cauldron, led by Magus bearing wand. High
Priestess sprinkles them lightly as they pass her.
Ritual of cakes and wine.
Any other dances, rites, or games as the Priestess and people wish.
Autumn Equinox
The altar should be decorated with symbols of autumn, pine cones, oak sprigs, acorns, or ears of
corn, and should have fire or burning incense on it as usual. After usual purification, the people stand round, men and
women alternately. Magus at west of altar in God position.
High Priestess stands at east of altar, facing him, and reads the incantation.
"Farewell, O Sun, ever returning light. The hidden god, who ever yet remains. He departs to the
land of youth, through the gates of death, to dwell enthroned, the judge of gods and man. The horned leader of the
hosts of air. Yet, even as stand unseen about the circle the forms of the Mighty Lords of the Outer Spaces. So dwelleth
he, 'the lord within ourselves'. So dwelleth he within the secret seed, the seed of new reaped grain, the seed of flesh,
hidden in the earth, the marvellous seed of the stars. 'In him is life, and life is the light of men [John 1:4],' that which
was never born and never dies. Therefore the Wicca weep not, but rejoice."
The High Priestess goes to the Magus with a kiss. He lays aside Athame and scourge, and
kisses her. The High Priestess hands him her wand, which should be Phallic, or a branch tipped with a pinecone, Or a
riding pole, or a broomstick (anciently the thyrsus). They lead the dance, she with a systrum or rattle, he with wand, the
people falling in behind them, dancing three times round the altar. Then the candle game is played.
Cakes and wine.
Great Rite if possible.
Dances and games.
Winter Solstice
Form circle in usual manner, invoking the Mighty Ones.
The Cauldron of Cerridwen is placed in the circle at the south wreathed with holly, ivy, and mistletoe,
with fire lighted within it. There should be no other light except for the candles on the altar and about the circle.
After all are purified, the Moon should be drawn down.
Then the High Priestess stands behind the Cauldron in pentacle position, symbolizing the
rebirth of the sun. The people, man and woman alternately, stand round the circle. The Magus stands facing the High
Priestess with a bundle of torches, or candles, and the book of words of the incantation. One of the officers stands
beside him with a lighted candle, so that he may have light to read by.
The people begin to slowly move round the circle sunwise. As each passes him the Magus lights
his candle or torch from the fire in the Cauldron, which may be simply a candle, till all have lighted candles or torches.
Then the people dance round slowly as he reads the incantation. (A real fire must now be kindled in the Cauldron.)
"Queen of the Moon, Queen of the Sun.
Queen of the Heavens, Queen of the Stars.
Queen of the Waters, Queen of the Earth.
Who ordained to us the child of promise: It is the Great Mother who gives birth to him, He is the Lord of Life who is
born again, Darkness and tears are set behind, and the star of guidance comes up early. Golden sun of hill and
mountain illumine the land, illumine the world, illumine the seas, illumine the rivers,Grief be laid, and joy be raised.
Blessed be the Great Mother, Without beginning, without ending, To everlasting, to eternity, I O. Evohe,
Blessed be."
The dance commences slowly, in rhythm with the chant, all taking up the call
"I. O. Blessed be."
The Priestess joins dance and leads them with a quicker rhythm. The cauldron with burning fire is
pushed so that the dancers leap or step over it, in couples. Whichever couple is passing it as it goes out, should be
well-purified, three times each, and may pay any amusing forfeit as the High Priestess may ordain. Sometimes
the cauldron is relighted several times for this purpose.